How To Grow Your Eyebrows Thicker Naturally – 10 Proven Ways

HomeNatural RemediesHow To Grow Your Eyebrows Thicker Naturally - 10 Proven Ways

How to grow your eyebrows thicker naturally? If you are looking for ways to get your eyebrow thick naturally then you are in right place. People change a lot with trends like clothing, and body shape as having zero figure was considered fashionable and attractive just a few years back, and also our overall appearance changes with the trend.

Around 3-4 years back having thin eyelashes was fashionable and trendy but now those days are gone, it’s time for thick eyebrows.

It’s natural that a guy with thick eyebrow look more attractive but now a day even woman also wants thick eyebrow to enhance their beauty. There are many natural ways to get thick eyebrows. Here, we have listed ways to grow your eyebrows thicker quickly.


What Are The Causes Of Thin Eyebrows?

A thick eyebrow helps to enhance your beauty. It makes you look more attractive and presentable. People with thin eyebrows look old and less attractive. There are many reasons for the thin eyebrow which include the following.

  • Overplucking of eyebrows.
  • Nutrients deficiency.
  • Aging causes thin eyebrows.
  • Hypothyroidism problem you may lose hair along with eyebrows.
  • Certain medicals.
  • Chemotherapy.
How to Grow Your Eyebrows Thicker Fast

10 Safe Ways To Understand How To Grow Your Eyebrows Thicker Naturally

A thick eyebrow can enhance your beauty and make you look younger. We have listed the top 10 ways to grow thicker eyebrows naturally.

1. Onion Juice

Onion Juice to Grow Your Eyebrows

Onion juice is a very effective home remedy for growing your eyebrows. It contains selenium, vitamin C&B, sulfur, and other minerals which help to grow your hair and make eyebrows thick. The sulfur present in onion juice helps to strengthen your hair follicles and increase the production of collagen tissue which makes your eyebrow thicker.

  • Extract the fresh juice from one onion with help of a blender or grinder.
  • Apply the onion juice to your eyebrows with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Leave the juice on your eyebrows for an hour.
  • After one hour clean your eyebrow with diluted lemon juice.
  • Washing your eyebrows with lemon juice will remove the smell of onion.
  • Use this remedy 3 times a week.

2. Castor Oil

Castor Oil to Grow Eyebrows Thicker

This essential oil is one of the oldest home remedies for thick eyebrows. Castor oil contains fatty acids, protein, vitamin E, and antioxidants. Using this oil on your eyebrow makes your hair follicles stronger and increases hair growth.

  • Take a few drops of castor oil and apply it to your eyebrows with the help of a cotton ball or fingertips.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes and rinse your eyebrows with warm water.
  • Use this remedy daily for a few weeks to see a significant result.
  • Always prefer black castor oil for hair growth.

If you feel irritation or hives then do not use castor oil.

3. Egg Yolk

Egg Yolk to Grow Your Eyebrows Fast

The egg is one of the perfect sources of protein which helps to make your hair stronger and thicker. Your hairs are made up of keratin protein and egg provides the required protein for nourishing hairs.

  • Extract the yolk from one egg and prepare a thick paste by beating the yolk. Now, apply the egg yolk to your eyebrows and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse your eyebrows with cold water. Repeat this remedy twice a week.

4. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil to Grow Eyebrows Back in 2 Days

Coconut oil is a good home remedy for hair growth. It strengthens your hair follicles and prevents hair damage. This oil also works as an antimicrobial which prevents hair fall.

  • Take coconut and cotton balls in a small bowl. Dip a cotton ball in coconut oil and apply it to your eyebrows.
  • Leave it overnight and wash your face in the morning with cold water. Repeat this remedy every day until you get the desired result.

5. Almond Oil

This oil is a rich source of vitamins A, B, and E which help to increase hair growth and make their roots stronger. But make sure you are not allergic to almond oil because it is a very common allergen for many people. Before using this remedy apply a patch test.

  • Take almond oil and massage your eyebrow with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Leave it overnight and remove it in the morning with cold water.
  • You can repeat this remedy every day until you get the desired result.

6. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek Seeds to Grow Thicker Eyebrows

Another wonderful remedy to get thicker eyebrows which are also known as Methi in Hindi. Fenugreek seeds contain protein and nicotinic acid which help to increase hair growth. It also strengthens hair follicles and also helps in maintain natural color.

  • Take a handful of fenugreek and soak them overnight.
  • Now grind them into a fine paste and apply them to your eyebrows.
  • Leave it for at least 30 minutes and wash your face with cold water.

7. Vaseline

How to Grow Eyelashes with Vaseline

Another home remedy to make your eyebrows and eyelashes look thicker. Many people search on the internet does Vaseline helps in growing thicker eyebrows. Vaseline is a good moisturizer that helps protect your skin and make your eyebrows look clean.

It works as an eyeliner which makes your eyebrows look attractive and thick.

There is no scientific proof that Vaseline help in hair growth for some people and for some it is just a good moisturizer cream.

  • Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows every day to get the desired result.
  • It will keep your skin hydrated and your hair clean.

8. Aloe Vera

Grow Eyebrows Thicker with Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a very beneficial natural herb that helps to cure many skin problem and also help in hair growth due to aloin. It helps to prevent hair loss and protect your hair from damage.

  • Extract the gel from fresh aloe vera and massage your eyebrows. Massage until it gets absorbed and then you can wash your face with cold water.
  • You can apply aloe vera get 2 -3 times a day for a week or so to get a good result.

9. Milk

Use Milk to Get Thicker Eyebrows

Another simple home remedy for beautiful and thicker eyebrows. Milk contains protein, vitamins, and other minerals which improve your hair growth.

  • Take milk in a small bowl and apply it to your eyebrows with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Leave it for at least 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with cold water.

10. Lemon

Lemon for Thicker Eyebrows

Lemon contains vitamins C and B, and folic acid which helps to make your hair follicles stronger. It also improves your skin quality by removing dead cells.

  • Take a small piece of lemon and rub it on your eyebrows.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your face with cold water.
  • Make sure you avoid exposing your eyebrows to sunlight for 2 hours after using this remedy.
  • Repeat this remedy daily to increase the hair growth of eyebrows.

Other Tips To Get Thick Eyebrows Naturally

  • Eat healthy food which contains a high amount of vitamins and protein.
  • Drink more milk, and eat more green veggies and fish.
  • Do not pluck your eyebrows too much.
  • Keep your eyebrows moist. You can use Vaseline or petroleum jelly to moisturize your eyebrows.
  • Avoid excessive makeup.
  • Take rest and sleep well which helps to relieve stress and keep your hair healthy.
  • Drink more water and keep your body hydrated.

Final Words

Eyebrows are a very important part of the face to look more beautiful and attractive. Thick eyebrows are now in trend from a normal person to a celebrity all is going for thick eyebrows now. You can also get thick eyebrows naturally with the help so simple home remedies. Leave your suggestion and feedback in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I make my eyebrows thicker?

Ans: You can make your eyebrows thicker by going with the home remedies we have mentioned above. These home remedies are not having any side effects.

2. What oil helps thicken eyebrows?

Ans: Castor oil is the most suggested oil which helps thicken eyebrows.

3. Why won’t my eyebrows grow?

Ans: The most common cause of eyebrow hair loss is over-plucking.

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