Home Health How To Stop Snoring?

How To Stop Snoring?


Wondering how to stop snoring? If you snore, you would be a part of at least half the people on the planet. Almost one adult per household snores enough to wake their partners in the dead of the night. Snoring is a result of air flowing through your throat while you breathe in your sleep. This flow of air causes a vibration in the relaxed tissues in the windpipe and trachea. The harsh and irritating sounds that are emitted are called snores. Snoring may or may not disrupt the sleep of you and your partner or children.

Most people tend to ignore snoring. However, it has several indicators that point toward failing health and should not be overlooked. Some of these factors or health indicators could be sleep deprivation, obstructive sleep apnea (blockages in the airways), issues with the physical structures of the respiratory system including nose, throat, and mouth, and obesity. Drinking excessive alcohol or imbibing drugs could also cause loud snoring sounds during deep sleep.


6 Home Remedies To Stop Snoring

1. Weight loss

Losing weight gradually by working out and going on a healthy diet helps in reducing fat tissue and percentage in the body. The amount of excess fatty tissue deposits in your throat and around your respiratory tract might be the cause of regular snoring. Reducing your caloric intake over a few months can help ease the strain on your windpipes. Eating smaller meals throughout the day at regular intervals, easing out the fatty and fried foods from your diet, and increasing healthy alternatives can help reduce weight and decrease fat in the body.

Apart from this, you could also see a nutritionist and get a tailor-made diet for your daily needs and food requirements. Exercising regularly to decrease cholesterol and keep the body fit will help you sleep better and eventually reduce your snoring habit.

2. Sleeping on the side

Many people who complain about snoring regularly tend to sleep straight. This position pushes the tongue towards the back of the throat, causing a blockage of airflow to your lungs. Shifting to a sideways sleeping position may help clear the airway and allow for the regular passage of air. Once the block reduces and ceases altogether, the snoring should be under control. To control snoring, try shifting to your side and sleeping on either side to help curb the nightly disturbance.

3. Corrective pillow

Getting a corrective pillow for side sleepers is crucial for people wishing to stop the snoring habit. Many specialized pillows provide effective solutions to snorers. Pillows like wedge pillows that elevate the upper body to align the spine help in decreasing snoring considerably. Also notable are the contour pillows with raised center and shoulder indentations that help keep the head and shoulders at the perfect height for side sleepers.

Latex foam pillows also help keep the head and shoulders firm since they are stronger and more robust than memory pillows. Gently curved latex pillows can help side sleepers control their snoring completely. Investing in a good pillow for side sleepers could be the simplest and easiest way to combat snoring among adults and teenagers.

4. Treat allergies

Respiratory allergies can significantly reduce the chances of air getting through your nose. Allergies tend to inflame the air vents in your nose and cause slight swelling and irritation in the throat. The auto-response to a blockage in your nose is to breathe through the mouth. An increase in airflow through your mouth can directly cause an increase in the frequency, capacity, and sound of the snoring.

Consult a doctor or physician to get the correct medication for your allergy. While you are consulting your doctor, inform him/her about your snoring condition so other tests also can be done to diagnose the cause of the repetitive snoring patterns.

5. Structural issues in the nose

Injuries, birth conditions, and various other causes that lead to a fundamental change or damage to the nose can be significant causes for excessive snoring in many adults. A deviated septum (misalignment of the nasal wall) may cause a decrease in the airflow from the nose to the lungs. The restriction in airflow can result in most people breathing through the mouth. This condition may cause snoring at night while sleeping.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol is a relaxant. As such, apart from relaxing your mind and inhibitions, it also relaxes your muscles. The throat muscles go lax under the influence of alcohol. This loosens the air vents and may cause loud snoring in most people. Avoid consuming alcohol for up to two hours before sleeping.



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