How To Get Rid Of Palmetto Bugs? (13 Effective Home Remedies)

HomeNatural RemediesHow To Get Rid Of Palmetto Bugs? (13 Effective Home Remedies)

A palmetto bug is a huge reddish-brown bug with brown wings and a cream-coloured chest. Palmetto bugs can quickly spoil clean dishes, kitchen counters, and food with several disease-causing bacteria. In humans, they can induce digestive problems such as stomach pains, vomiting, and diarrhoea. So you must know how to get rid of palmetto bugs’ home remedies.

The Palmetto bug is a particularly vexing insect. They are not only irritating but also hazardous. If you’ve had the misfortune of having these irritating insects in your home, you’ve probably spent your time attempting to through away these bugs. So you have to know how to get rid of palmetto bugs’ home remedies.

Palmetto bugs eat food, scrap plants, rubbish, and decompose meat; hence biting humans is quite rare. If you are bitten, the mark of the bite will heal in a few days. In this article, we discuss how to get rid of palmetto bugs home remedies.


How To Get Rid Of Palmetto Bugs? – 13 Useful Natural Remedies

1. Boric Acid

Boric acid is a low-cost and effective technique how to get rid of palmetto bugs in home remedies. It doesn’t get rid of the pests right away, but you may feel secure knowing that once they ingest or come into touch with the mineral, palmetto bugs have minimal resistance to it.

Boric acid has two ways of killing palmetto bugs. The first method is consumption. The palmetto bug’s digestive system will be disrupted by the boric acid, which will subsequently cause more damage to the bug’s neurological system.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar is a typical culinary component that is used regularly. Vinegar may also be used as a cleaning and is effective how to get rid of palmetto bugs at home remedies.

You may make vinegar and water spray and refrigerate it until you’re ready to use it. Palmetto bugs are killed by vinegar spray-on contact; therefore, eliminating every bug could take a few days.

3. Diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous Earth is a powder solution of how to get rid of palmetto bugs’ home remedies that are non-toxic to humans but deadly to soft-bodied palmetto bugs. The powder seems to look sharp and spikey, like a glass fragment.

Because these tiny pointed particles enter the insect’s body, the bug begins to dry, finally killing it. This method is quite effective, but because these bugs prefer moist environments, you may need to attract them to a dry location to kill them.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the effective ways how to get rid of palmetto bugs’ home remedies; sprinkle baking soda over a handful of diced onions. Dice a handful of onions and mix these dust with baking soda to make your roach bait.

Place this snack in an empty dish wherever roaches have been spotted. When the roaches eat the baking soda, gases build up in their abdomens; they burst due to this.

5. Borax

Borax is a common laundry chemical that is effective how to get rid of palmetto bugs and home remedies. Combine equal amounts of white table sugar and borax for optimal results. Pour the mixture into the area where roaches reside. The bugs become dehydrated and die fast after eating the borax.

6. Citrus

Citrus is beneficial for humans, but it is also a solution how to get rid of palmetto bugs’ home remedies. Lemons, in particular, have a roach-repelling fragrance. For mopping your floors, add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil to the water. Humans will not notice the odour, but it will drive roaches away.

Palmetto bugs are attracted to the aroma of lemon or orange. You may simply produce a spray at home with lemons or oranges. Palmetto bugs can be readily driven out of your home with this spray. You can also keep the spray in the fridge to use daily.

7. Soap Spray

Soap spray is a simple and effective natural solution how to get rid of palmetto bugs home remedies. Water and dish soap are all you need to produce a DIY soap spray. The palmetto bugs will be killed as soon as they come into touch with this.

If the soap is perfumed, it can also serve as a repellant for a short time. This procedure is time-consuming since you must kill each insect, but it ensures that all palmetto bugs are eradicated. The items necessary are dish soap, a spray bottle and water.

8. Glue Traps

Palmetto bugs respond well to glue traps. Although these bugs can fly, they rarely do so. To make the glue traps more effective, you can use bait to capture them. This is an excellent strategy because it is inexpensive and can collect a large number of roaches at once. If you have an infestation, you will need to install these traps several times, but if you only have a few bugs, you can escape by using them once.

9. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint can prevent insects. Palmetto bugs may be easily repelled and kept out of your home with this product.

Using peppermint oil, you may simply produce your spray at home. It is inexpensive and simple to create, and utilizing it regularly will ensure that no bugs, especially palmetto bugs, enter your home. Peppermint oil and a spray bottle all are required.

10. Essential Oil

Essential oils are an excellent way to through away the roaches in the kitchen. Cedarwood oil, Clove oil, or catnip oil have strong scents that will drive palmetto bugs out of your house. You may easily produce a spray with these essential oils at home and use it until all bugs are gone from your home.

11. Neem oil

Neem oil is a popular natural insecticide that may kill a variety of bugs, including palmetto bugs. You can directly spray the bugs by mixing water and neem oil, but you can also construct a bait out of neem oil to poison them. When used to treat an infestation, it’s quite effective. The spray version is usually more strong and through the roaches away.

12. Hot water

You can scald them with boiling water if you know where they are. Fill a pan halfway with water and pour it over their nest. Cockroaches are unable to withstand high temperatures, and their outer shells fracture, causing them to die. Twice a day, you must repeat the process.

13. Alcohol

We all know that alcohol kills people and impacts fertility and conception. But this isn’t just true for people; like us humans, cockroaches follow the same norm. Cockroaches are killed by alcohol, and their eggs are harmed.


How to get rid of palmetto bugs’ home remedies come in a variety of ways, as we discussed earlier. To repel and destroy these pests, use natural sprays containing essential oils, or other home remedies, as we discussed above. It will be perfect if you clean your dining and kitchen and home daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Which home remedies are most effective to get rid of palmetto bugs?

Boric acid, vinegar, Diatomaceous earth, Baking soda, citrus, and essential oils are the most effective home remedies to get rid of palmetto bugs.

Q2. Does glue traps useful to get rid of palmetto bugs?

This is an excellent strategy because it can collect many roaches at once and is very useful to get rid of palmetto bugs.

Q3. Can essential oils help to get rid of palmetto bugs?

Essential oils like cedarwood oil, clove oil, or catnip oil have strong scents that will drive palmetto bugs out of your house.

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