How To Get Rid Of Water Bugs? – 9 Incredible Home Remedies

HomeNatural RemediesHow To Get Rid Of Water Bugs? - 9 Incredible Home Remedies

One of nature’s more benign insects is the water bug. Unless they’re mistreated, even the enormous water bugs won’t bite. Water bugs are drawn to the same things that each living entity is drawn to food and water. As their name implies, water bugs prefer to live in bodies of water such as puddles, pools, lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water. But if these insects enter your home, then it is difficult to get rid of them. So you need to know how to get rid of water bugs.

Don’t let water bugs create a home in the house if you want to throw them naturally. These insects require moisture to survive and cannot survive in a dry environment because actual water bugs can’t exist outside of water; they don’t usually infest homes. Always avoid touching the water bugs with your hands, as they might bite you. To through away these bugs, you have to know how to get rid of water bugs.

You can use organic water bug repellents and efficient home cures to keep these bugs away and stop them from proliferating. In this article, we’ll know how to get rid of water bugs if you’re having problems at home with these insects.


9 Incredible Home Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Water Bugs

You are stressed by water bugs? No worries! We have mentioned 9 amazing home remedies on how to get rid of water bugs without any side effects.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is very useful how to get rid of water bugs home remedy. This is because baking soda absorbs water from the environment. Alternatively, it could be caused by insects walking over it. Because water bugs are so minor, any water loss from their body is deadly to them.

It is a tried-and-true organic bug repellent that is also safe to use around your home. By mixing baking soda with a little sugar, you can entice the water bugs to it. Please put it in a bowl or dish and put it in its favorite hangout spot. The baking soda will create lethal reactions inside the water bug’s gut, killing it. Then you must clean the entire kitchen area and ensure that nothing is left behind.

2. Borax or Boric Acid

Boric acid is a low-cost and effective technique for getting rid of water bugs at home. It doesn’t get rid of the pests right away, but you may feel secure knowing that water bugs have minimal resistance to it once they ingest or come into touch with the mineral.

Boric acid has two ways of killing water bugs. The first method is consumption. The water bug’s digestive system will be disrupted by the boric acid, which will subsequently cause more damage to the bug’s neurological system.

3. Diatomaceous Earth

The fossilized remnants of microscopic organisms known as diatoms make up diatomaceous earth. It functions similarly to baking soda in that it absorbs fluids from insects as they move through it. Its sharp edges cut the bugs as well, hastening the process. So it’s a very effective how to get rid of water bugs’ home remedy.

Apply a light sprinkle of diatomaceous earth to where water bugs have been spotted. As they pass it, they will become dehydrated and die. The benefit of the home remedy is that it does not need to be refilled as frequently as baking soda.

It should last for several weeks once you bring it into the place. You’ll know it’s working when you start seeing dead water bugs. Of course, you’ll have to remove the dead bugs; the diatomaceous earth, on the other hand, can remain.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar is a typical culinary component that is used regularly. Vinegar may also be used as a cleaning and is an effective way to get rid of water bugs.

You may make vinegar and water spray and refrigerate it until you’re ready to use it. Water bugs are killed by vinegar spray-on contact; therefore, eliminating every bug could take a few days.

5. Essential Oils

Many essential oils, particularly peppermint oil, are unappealing to most insects. In a cup of mild water, you can mix 10 drops of essential peppermint oil and spray it about the house’s cracks and crevices where the insects could get in. So peppermint oils are also effective how to get rid of water bugs.

Many insects will flee if they smell something unpleasant. It won’t kill them, but the stink is so unpleasant that they’ll avoid it if at all possible. Because essential oils don’t last very long, you have to use them daily.

6. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are one of the most suitable home remedies how to get rid of water bugs, which may surprise you. Because coffee grinds contain organic acids that are insect-repellent, this is the case. Spread coffee grounds everywhere in your house near the entry points through these bugs away.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon’s strong scent is also a good repellent for water bugs. Apply fresh cinnamon powder on kitchen surfaces and cupboards to entice them away. You may apply cinnamon oil instead of powder to have a stronger aroma without the mess. Please put it on the areas where you suspect they’re breeding and residing. So cinnamon also acts how to get rid for water bugs home remedy.

8. Neem oil

Neem oil is a popular natural insecticide that is how to get rid of water bugs’ home remedy. You can directly spray the bugs by mixing water and neem oil, but you can also construct a bait out of neem oil to poison them. When used to treat an infestation, it’s pretty effective. The spray version is usually more strong and through the bugs away.

9. Garlic

Garlic’s pungent odour can deter various insects, including water bugs. Several garlic cloves should be crushed and placed in infected regions. The pungent odour can quickly and successfully drive them out of your home.

Other Precautions To Get Rid Of Water Bugs

Maintain a dry, clean, and well-ventilated bathroom or under the sink. Fix any plumbing leaks and wall cracks because that’s how they come into the house. They prefer to live on moist soil or decomposing leaves, so get rid of them. Garbage cans should not be kept in damp areas. Most importantly, keep your house immaculately clean to keep the water bugs away.

Final Words

How to get rid of water bugs’ home remedies comes in a variety of ways, as we discussed earlier. True water bugs are insects that feed on dwell and tiny fish in water. Furthermore, they do not overspread homes as they cannot survive for long periods devoid of water. However, we must exercise caution. Use boric acid, baking soda, essential oils, natural spray, or other home remedies, as stated above, to repel and eradicate these pests. You should also clean your kitchen area, dining room, and other house areas daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which home remedies are perfect to get rid of water bugs?

Ans: Boric acid, vinegar, Diatomaceous earth, Baking soda, essential oils, and cinnamons are the most suitable home remedies to get rid of water bugs.

2. How boric acid useful to get rid of water bugs?

Ans: The water bug’s digestive system will be disrupted by the boric acid, which will subsequently cause more damage to the bug’s neurological system.

3. Can essential oils help to get rid of water bugs?

Ans: Many bugs will flee if they smell something unpleasant. It won’t kill them, but the stink is so unpleasant that they’ll avoid it if at all possible.

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