How To Increase Breast Milk Naturally At Home?

HomeWomen HealthHow To Increase Breast Milk Naturally At Home?

How to increase breast milk naturally at home? Breast milk is a very important food for your newborn baby and most women worry about the amount of milk they produce. Many women want to know how to increase their breast milk supply. Most breastfeeding women out there should know that their breast size doesn’t matter for milk supply. So the m ost suitable way to increase breast milk is to feed your baby as more as you can.

The perfect  way to know that you’re producing enough breast milk is that your baby is putting on weight and growing normally. The study exhibits that it’s normal for a newborn to lose weight in the first few days. But then start to put on weight again three to five days after birth.

If your newborn baby is not growing with normal growth then you may be producing less breast milk. But you should not feel tense because there are natural remedies and food which can help you to increase your breast milk supply.

Low breast milk supply can cause your baby malnutrition, a weak immune system, and poor memory. So it is very important to produce enough breast milk for your child’s normal growth.


Signs That Your Baby Is Getting Enough Milk

We have listed 5 signs to understand that your baby is getting enough milk.

  • Breastfeeding feels comfortable and painless.
  • A newborn baby is fed at least six to eight times a day.
  • Your breasts feel emptier and softer after feeds.
  • Baby comes off your breast spontaneously when he’s finished.
  • The newborn baby passes urine at least seven times a day. His/her stool should be yellow in color

What Are The Causes of Low Breast Milk Supply?

Below causes can affect the supply of breast milk.

  • Waiting too long to start breastfeeding.
  • An ineffective latch and use of certain medications.
  • Insufficient glandular tissue can affect breast milk production.
  • Hormonal or endocrine problems may be the other reason for the low milk supply.
  • Previous breast surgery
  • Birth control pills can affect your breast milk production.
  • You may be surprised but not feeding at night can cause you low breast milk.

11 Home Remedies To Increase Breast Milk Naturally

Below we have listed the 11 safe home remedies to increase 

1. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are an effective home remedy to increase breast milk supply. It stimulates sweat gland activity, mammary glands are modified sweat glands. Fenugreek is a rich source of protein, iron & vitamin C which helps maintain breast milk production.

  • Drink fenugreek seeds tea daily for a few weeks. Take one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds and soak them overnight. In the morning boil this water for 3-4 minutes. Strain this solution and drink sip by sip.
  • You can also add fenugreek seeds to your diet.
  • Eating sprouted fenugreek seeds with milk daily in the morning is another way to avoid low breast milk.

Note: If you are suffering from diabetes and asthma then do not use fenugreek seeds.

2. Fennel Seeds

Another seed is beneficial in increasing breast milk production.  This natural herb contains a substance called galactagogue which helps to increase breast milk naturally. Fennel seeds are good for digestion and help prevent colic pain in newborn babies.

  • You can add fennel seeds to your food and can eat 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds after every meal.
  • Take one teaspoon of fennel seeds and soak them in water overnight. Drink this water in the morning daily.
  • Boil one teaspoon of fennel in milk and drinking it every day is a good food to increase breast milk quickly.
  • Alternatively, take one-half cup each of fennel seeds, cumin seeds, and rock candy (misri) and mix them well in a bowl. Grind them into a fine powder.
  • Eat one teaspoon of this powder with one cup of milk twice a day for two weeks.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the most suggested foods to increase breast milk quickly. It is a good source of iron and also contains fiber which is easy to digest.

  • You can make Oats smoothie and eat it twice a day.
  • Eating oats idli or oats poha, chilla is a good way to increase breast milk in Indian food.
  • Take a bowl of oats with a glass of milk daily.
  • You can also eat oatmeal cookies or cakes.

4. Barley

Barley is a good natural remedy to boost the breast milk supply.  It is a good source of fiber and also helps you to be hydrated which is very important during breastfeeding.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of barley and boil it in one cup of water. Strain this solution and drink twice a day for a few weeks.
  • You can also try barley soup, which also helps to improve digestion.
  • Another way to take barley is that you can use barley flour for making multigrain chapati or bread.

5. Cow’s Milk

Dairy product is very important during breastfeeding and also good for overall health. Milk is a good source of calcium which helps to maintain calcium levels in the body. It also helps to increase breast milk quantity.

  • Take one glass of milk with nuts in the morning for breakfast.
  • You can also add milk to porridge or oatmeal.
  • Prepare rice pudding with cow milk.
  • Dairy product like cheese, milk, paneer, and yogurt is good for a lactating woman.

6. Eggs

Eating eggs is a good way to increase breast milk naturally at home. It also helps to improve the quality of breast milk. The egg is blessed with nutrients like vitamins A, B2, and B12, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorous, and minerals. It is beneficial for your baby’s growth and also fulfills the protein demand of the baby.

  • Having boiled eggs for breakfast with cow milk is a good way to start your day.
  • You can also prepare egg curry or egg omelet.

7. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a very beneficial Ayurvedic remedy for an increase in the secretion of breast milk. It also helps to delay your period after childbirth. Cinnamon also improves the taste of breast milk.

  • Take a pinch of cinnamon powder and one-half teaspoon of honey, and mix them well.
  • Eat it with a cup of warm milk. Do this remedy daily before going to bed for one or two months.

8. Garlic

Garlic also improves the taste and quantity of breast milk. It seems that newborn baby also likes the taste of milk.

  • Take three garlic cloves and grated them.
  • Now, boil the grated garlic in one cup of water until the quantity is reduced to about one-quarter.
  • Again, add one cup of milk to this mixture and boil again for 3-4 minutes.
  • Mix one-half teaspoon of honey and strain it. Drink this remedy in the morning, during breastfeeding.

9. Sweet Potato

Sweet potato is a good source of vitamin A which makes it an effective food for increasing breast milk. It also contains nutrients like phosphorus, vitamins B1 & B2, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, copper, and vitamin B6.

It also helps has a relaxation effect on the body and also makes you feel stress-free. Sweet potato also improves the digestive system.

  • You Can make oven-roasted sweet potato wedges at home and eat them twice in a day for a few weeks.
  • Also, you can make carrot and sweet potato soup, a healthy option. Take soup twice a day for better results.
  • Try sweet potato pudding which is also a great food to increase breast milk production.

10. Drumstick

Drumstick is rich in iron and calcium and a good home remedy for lactating moms. It also helps to fight malnutrition. Drumstick helps to increase breast milk as it stimulates the mammary glands.

  • Extract juice from fresh drumsticks and add lemon & mint for flavoring.
  • You can also prepare juice by combining drumsticks with bottle gourd.
  • You can use drumsticks in curries & vegetables.

11. Alfalfa

Another effective natural herb that helps to get rid of low breast milk supply. It contains many nutrients like protein, fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and minerals. It is a good antioxidant and also helps to improve blood circulation.

Alfalfa is considered a galactagogue that helps lactating moms boost milk production. It is the main food source for dairy animals to increase milk production.

  • Eat alfalfa sprouts with soups and salad.
  • Take one teaspoon of dried alfalfa leaves and boil them in one cup of water.
  • Strain this mixture and drink this tea twice a day.

Tips To Increase Breast Milk Naturally

Below we have mentioned the tips to increase breast milk without any side effects on the mother.

  • Gently massage your breasts while feeding.
  • Avoid or rarely use bottles and pacifiers.
  • Drink more water and be hydrated all the time.
  • Switch Nursing- Try to offer your child both breasts equally.
  • Frequent Breastfeeding- Feed according to your baby’s demand for breast milk, the more will the body produce. Try to nurse at least 6-8 times every day and then slowly increase the rate.
  • Give your body enough food, sleep and relaxation

Ayurvedic Remedies & Medicine For Breast Milk Production

Shatavari Granules- It is a good ayurvedic health tonic for a woman. It gives proper nutrition to a woman before and after childbirth. This tonic helps to improve the quality and quantity of breast milk. Take 2 teaspoons of this Ayurveda tonic twice a day.

Closing Thoughts

Breastfeeding is one of the most important aspects of a healthy baby. So for giving your newborn baby proper nutrition, sufficient breast milk should be produced. In this article, we have mentioned the 11 home remedies to increase breast milk naturally.

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