How to Increase Height Naturally After 18, 21 or 25 Years?

HomeHealth TipsHow to Increase Height Naturally After 18, 21 or 25 Years?

How to increase height naturally? Do many people search for how to get taller? Or is it possible to get taller after 18, 21 even 25 years? Your height mainly depends on your genetics and hormones. Apart from genetics other factors that can affect your growth are environment and diet. Women’s height increases naturally till 18 and Men’s height can increase till 21.

After this chance of getting taller becomes very low. There is no medication that can help you to increase your height naturally but with some change in diet and exercise, there is a possibility to increase your height.

The hormone which helps in your growth is known as HGH (Human Growth Hormone). It occurs in the master gland of our body.

Once you complete puberty age the HGH production in your body stops so does the chance of your getting taller. But there is some chance you might reproduce this hormone naturally by doing some exercise and tricks.


Height Increasing Exercises after 18, 20, 25 Years

A good height makes your personality stronger and boosts your confidence. Short height can decrease your self-confidence. Even you cannot pursue many professions because of the height eligibility criteria.

You might have already tried many medications but nothing works. So try height-increasing exercise to increase height naturally.

1. Swimming

Swimming is considered to be the perfect exercise to grow taller fast naturally. Regular swimming is a very effective cardio exercise to increase height. It stretches all parts of your body. Swimming also helps to reduce weight.

You should swim at least 40 to 60 minutes a day or 5 hours a week to get taller. If you don’t know swimming then get a trainer and learn how to swim under proper guidelines.

2. Super Cobra Pose

Super Cobra is a very effective exercise to increase height naturally after 18. This is a very simple exercise that you can perform at home. You just need a mat to practice this exercise.

  • You need to keep your arms 90 degrees to the ground and your spine in the shape of arched. Then bend your hip and make your body in the shape of an inverted V.
  • When you make your shape like an inverted V keep your chin close to the chest.
  • Keep this pose for 3o seconds and repeat it for 5 minutes.

3. Hanging Exercise

Hanging is an excellent exercise to Increase Your Height. You can perform this exercise with the help of a bar or on a tree branch near your house. This exercise expands your spine and helps to make you grow taller. Do this exercise for 30 minutes daily.

4. Pelvic Shift Exercise

Pelvic shift exercise is the most suitable way to stretch the spine and lower hips which help to grow taller fast. This is also a very easy exercise that you can perform at home.

  • You need to lie down on the floor and place your shoulder and arm on the floor. Now bent your knees and your foot should be on the floor.
  • Lift your hip to make a straight line from neck to knees and remain in this pose for 30 seconds.
  • Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes.

5. Jumping Exercises

Jumping exercises stretch the spine and your calf muscles. It also helps to increase blood circulation in the bones which increases bone density.

You can do some easy jumping exercises like spot jumping, rope jumping, squats, etc. You can also play basketball to increase your height.

Natural Ways to Increase Your Height Fast

Proper nutrients are very important for height growth. Good food and natural remedy can help you in growing taller. Below we have mentioned certain aspects of how to increase height naturally.

1. Ashwagandha Medicine

Ashwagandha is an Ayurveda Medicine that is also known as Indian ginseng. This ayurvedic medicine helps to increase height and also improves your immunity system.

  • You consume ashwagandha with milk. Add two tablespoons of ashwagandha in milk and drink for breakfast or before going to bed.
  • If you don’t like the taste you can add some sugar or jaggery.
  • Ashwagandha is also available on tablets. So you can take one after breakfast with milk and one before going to bed.

2. Consume more Calcium

Calcium is very important to keep your bones healthy and strong. Less calcium intake can decrease your height growth. Bones are made of calcium so it is very important to the main calcium level in your body.

Drink more milk, yogurt, eggs, etc. You can also take calcium tablets but consult with your doctor first.

3. Proper Diet

A proper diet is essential for height growth. Take a balanced diet with protein, carbohydrates, green vegetables, and fruits. A balanced diet is important for hormone production which helps to grow taller.

  • Include foods in your diet which contain a high amount of protein, complex carbohydrates, all types of vitamins, and required nutrients.
  • Increase the intake of milk, nuts leafy vegetable, beans, eggs, carrots, and lean meats for proper growth.

4. Proper Sleep

Proper rest is also very important for proper growth. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Proper sleep helps in digestion and body functioning. Growth hormones are mainly released while you are sleeping and doing your work.

The posture of your sleep is also important for growth. Because a bad posture can affect your spine so always try to sleep in a way that your spine should be straight.

How to Increase Height Naturally by Yoga?

Another perfect way to increase your height naturally is by doing yoga at home. Yoga is an ancient exercise that helps in your proper growth. It also helps to remove stress and make you feel relaxed which is very important for hormone production.

You can perform yoga at home. Yoga which helps to increase your height is trikona asana, tadasana, Natrajasana,  Surya namaskar, etc. These yoga asana helps to stretch every part of your body, especially the spine which helps to increase height naturally.

Some Other Height Increasing Tips

Simple changes in your daily activity can help you understand how to increase height naturally.

  • Cycling- It is one of the suggested ways to lose fat but can also help you grow taller. It stretches your leg and hands muscle which helps in height growth. You can use a basic bicycle for cycling daily for at least 30 minutes.
  • Walking- This simple activity also involves all parts of your body. It helps to maintain your overall health and help it grow properly. Walking also helps in hormone production which is responsible for height growth.
  • Practice Good Posture- A good posture can help you look taller. A bad posture for a long time can affect your height and cause you back pain problems.

Closing Thoughts

A good height always improves your personality and boosts your confidence. Increasing height naturally after 18 is a little difficult but not impossible. You can increase your height by doing regular exercise and taking a proper diet. Doing regular yoga can also help you get taller fast. Hope this article on how to increase your height naturally has given you a certain idea and knowledge. Do leave your feedback and suggestion in the comment box.

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