15 Home Remedies on How To Lose Man Chest Fat

HomeWeight Loss15 Home Remedies on How To Lose Man Chest Fat

How to lose man’s chest fat? What are man boobs or moobs or male breasts? Man boobs are also known as gynecomastia. It is an enlargement of man boobs due to excessive growth of male breast tissue. Gynecomastia occurs because of an imbalance of hormones or an increase in estrogen levels. Approximately 70% of men suffer from excessive fat on their chests.

Having fat on the male breast is a frustrating and embarrassing problem. Men with enlarged breasts look ugly and feel less confident when they meet with people. But there are natural remedies Food and exercises to lose chest fat fast at home.

Chest fat can also occur due to overeating or being overweight. It can occur due to health conditions in men such as liver infection, high blood sugar, blood pressure, heart disease, etc. To lose chest fat fast you need to work on your diet and lifestyle. Also, a regular workout is a good way to get rid of man boobs.

To get rid of man boobs first you have to decrease the estrogen level and increase the testosterone level in the body. You can use natural methods and remedies to control estrogen and testosterone hormone.


Control Your Diet to Lose Man Chest Fat

If you want to lose fat, be it on the chest or other parts of the body then you have to work on your diet. You have to eat the right and healthy food. Controlling your diet is the perfect way to lose chest fat.

1. Eat Eggs 

The perfect way to lose chest fat is to control your diet. Eggs are a good source of protein, iron, and vitamins A, B12, and D. An egg contains 85 calories on average. The egg diet can help you to reduce your calorie intake because it keeps your stomach fuller.

According to the Rochester Centre for Obesity, eating two or three eggs for breakfast can decrease your calorie intake by 400 calories. So, go for two eggs with green tea or ginger honey tea in the morning to reduce your chest fat.

2. Fruits And Vegetables

Fresh fruits and leafy vegetables contain fibre, minerals, and many vitamins which are very beneficial for health. They are very less on calories which helps to burn your body fat. To get your chest in shape add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

You can add carrots, spinach, cabbage, tomato, papaya, and broccoli to your diet to reduce chest fat.

3. Eat Nuts

Nuts help to increase testosterone hormones and decrease estrogen levels. Organic nuts are good foods to reduce man breasts at home. You can include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, and sunflower seeds in your diet. Within a month you will notice a change in your breast size.

4. Avoid Soya Bean Food

Soybean food increases the estrogen level in the body and helps in growing breast tissue in men. It also causes an imbalance in hormones and that may lead to many hormone-related problems. Instead of soy products, you can go for rice milk, almond, etc.

5. Remove Excessive Sugar From Diet

The excessive amount of sugar helps to develop chest fat. Avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates because carbohydrates convert into sugar when ingested. To get rid of man boobs avoid foods that contain glucose, fructose, etc. Eliminating sugar from your diet will help you to get rid of man boobs very fast.

5 Incredible Exercises to Lose Man Chest Fat

Exercise is as important as dieting while reducing chest fat or overall fat from the body.  Daily exercise can reduce your chest within one month. A man’s breast mainly occurs due to an increase in estrogen hormone and a low level of testosterone.

You should focus on increasing testosterone and plan your exercise, lifestyle, and diet accordingly. The most suitable five exercises to get rid of man breasts are listed below.

1. Cardio Exercise

Cardio is one of the suitable ways to remove man boobs fast. If you control your diet and do regular cardio for one month you will see a significant change in your body.

One thing you should know before making your plan for cardio is that many studies show some athletes have lower testosterone levels than a normal person who does not do a workout at all.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy. In HIIT you have to perform short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods.

Cardiovascular exercise like running, swimming, or cycling is the perfect cardio exercise to get rid of chest fat. HIIT increase lactate accumulation which improves testosterone level in the body. And running, cycling and swimming are the perfect workouts for lactate accumulation.

While you are jogging do a sprint for 10 or 20 seconds because it will burn chest fat as well as whole-body fat very fast.

2. Chest Exercise

After cardio, you can do chest exercises to burn chest fat in males. You don’t need to do 5 or 6 exercises to lose fat. 2-3 chest exercise is good to tighten your chest and reduce fat.

Flat Bench Dumbbell Presses– 4 sets
Incline Dumbbell Presses– 3 sets
PEC DEC flies – 3 sets

3. Weight Lifting Exercise

Many people believe that weight lifting only helps to build muscle but in fact, it also reduces chest fat. So when you have done with cardio and chest exercise do some weight lifting. While doing exercise you should keep your body hydrated.

4. Legs Exercise

Leg exercise is as important as chest exercise in getting rid of moobs. It will increase testosterone levels in the body which helps to cure gynecomastia problems in men. You can do squats, Forward-Backward Lunges, deadlift leg exercises to improve testosterone levels, etc.

5. Back Exercise

Back exercise is also very important to increase testosterone levels in men. It also tightens your muscle and burns fat. Working on the upper back help to develop the wide chest. It will help you look manlier and burn chest fat very fast.

Natural Remedies To Lose Man Chest Fat

After exercise and diet, you need to work out your lifestyle. You can also use some natural remedies to get rid of moobs.

1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a good natural herb to control estrogen levels in the body which is a major cause of man breasts. It also eliminates harmful toxins from your body and improves overall health.

Soak one tablespoon of flaxseed in water for one hour or overnight and drink empty stomach in the morning.
Alternatively, you can take 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil for 2-3 weeks.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is a good home remedy to improve testosterone levels in the body. It contains curcumin which boosts testosterone production in the body. When testosterone level increase in the body, chest fat due to gynecomastia decrease automatically.

You can mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric with water and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.
Drink this mixture 3 two times a day for a few weeks.

3. Drink Green Tea

Green tea is a good way to eliminate harmful toxins and improve your metabolism. Good metabolism help in reducing fat.

Drink green tea 3-4 times a day. You can add lemon and honey to make it more effective.

4. Dandelion

Dandelion is a good home remedy to reduce the estrogen level in the body. It also helps to break down carbohydrates and increase your metabolism. Drinking dandelion tea daily help to reduce man boobs.

Boil one cup of water and add one tablespoon of dandelion to it.
Let it steep for 10 minutes then strain the mixture.
Drink this dandelion tea while it warms for a month.

5. Consume Zinc Rich Food

Eating food that contains a good amount of zinc help in increasing testosterone production. Zinc deficiency can cause a low level of testosterone. You should consume foods like meat, fish, oysters, crab, beans, nuts, and yogurt. Alternatively, you can take zinc tablets or capsules but should be up to 40mg/day.

Final Words

Man breast is a very common health problem these days. The main reasons for excessive fat on the male chest are lack of physical activity, wrong diet, and lifestyle. A man with boobs is an embarrassment and can be an underlying health condition known as gynecomastia.

You can get rid of chest fat by changing your lifestyle and diet. Also, hit the gym to get in shape. You can also use natural home remedies to lose chest fat/ man boobs.

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  1. Hi, thank you for the article. I am taking Fish oil right now as my doctor friend suggested me, I would like to know if Tumeric Oil (capsule) would be a better alternative, I do plan on trying the Tumeric. Would the Tumeric Capsules work as well?

    Much Thanks!


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