Home Weight Loss How to Lose Cheek Fat Fast Naturally? (4 Effective Ways)

How to Lose Cheek Fat Fast Naturally? (4 Effective Ways)


How to lose cheek fat fast? Obesity or being overweight is the primary health problem around the world nowadays. Extra pounds on your body can lead you to any problem. Being overweight makes you less confident and ugly.

The belly and face are two significant parts of the body where fat is stored very quickly.  Sometimes you have a toned body, but your face looks very chubby in that case there are natural ways and remedies to reduce face fat.

The face is the most beautiful and certainly the most noticeable part of the body. People notice your face first then your body. So everyone desires to have a chiselled jawline and high cheekbones to look more beautiful.

If you want to reduce fat from the face, then you have to lose fat from all over the body. Because it’s almost impossible to lose fat only from the face.  But with some methods and remedies, you can get rid of face fat fast.


4 Natural Ways To Lose Cheek Fat Fast

The skin on your facial skeleton has pockets filled with fats. If you have extra fat in those pockets your face becomes chubby. Your jawline will disappear, and you will have a double chin which makes you look ugly. There are many reasons to have extra fat on your face such as dehydration, an unhealthy or unbalanced diet, ageing, alcohol or specific medication, etc.

If you want to get rid of chubby cheeks then you have to balance your diet first. You can also use natural ways and exercise to reduce fat from the face and neck.

1. Mouthwash Yoga

This is one of the simplest ways to Lose Face Fat. You just need to blow air in your mouth and rotate this air in your mouth like mouthwash. Do this mouthwash yoga for 2 minutes.

You can perform this yoga as many times as you like in a day. It Will make your jawline beautiful, and the muscles of your chin will get strong.

Read: How to Get Rid of Neck Fat Fast

2. Sugar-free Chewing Gum

So many people love to chew gum, but they are unaware of the fact that it helps you to Get Rid of Face Fat. Face muscle is also the same as other muscles of the body and like other muscles of the body need exercise to get in shape so do your cheeks. Chewing gum is an effective way to lose fat from the face, and it helps your jawline to look beautiful.

3. Facial Massage

Another efficient way to Lose Weight is In Your Face. Facial massage is done by professionals that help to increase blood and oxygen flow in your face skin. It will also help you to remove black marks from the face, look younger & make your skin smoother and healthier. Before taking a facial massage make sure that you are going to an authentic parlour or spa.

4. Face Mask

The face mask is mainly used to enhance your facial beauty, but in fact, it can help you to get rid of a double chin. The facial mask tightens your face muscle, and like massage, it also helps to increase blood flow.

We recommend you use a good and authentic product for a face mask. You can use an organic clay mask, banana mask, oatmeal mask, vinegar mask, etc.

How to Lose Cheek Fat Fast with Exercise? (6 Effective Methods)

There are many simple exercises to reduce weight from the cheeks and neck. You can perform these exercises anywhere and anytime. We try to list the most effective exercises to reduce cheeks fat.

1. Blow Balloons

A very simple exercise to reduce weight from your cheeks and neck. Blowing balloons stretch your muscle and increase the blood and oxygen flow. Do this exercise for 5 minutes two times a day. You can see the fat reduction on your face within a week.

2. Rotating Tongue Exercise

Another excellent exercise to reduce fat from the cheeks. A rotating tongue is a very useful exercise to lose fat within a week. It is a very simple exercise you just need to rotate your tongue while your mouth should be closed. Do this exercise for 20 minutes every day.

3. Chin Raise

This is the perfect exercise to Lose Face Fat Fast in a Week. It reduces fat from your cheeks, neck, and below your chin.

You have to hold your neck straight then rise your neck towards the ceiling for one second. Now try to kiss the ceiling and hold it for 5-10 seconds.

Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes, and you can see the difference within a week. You can do this chin raise exercise as many times as you like.

4. Fish Face

The fish face is one of the perfect exercises to reduce cheek weight and improve your jawline. It’s a straightforward exercise that you can perform anytime anywhere. You can do this exercise as many times as you like in a day.

You have to make your face like fish by sucking your cheeks inside and lips outside. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat it 15 times.

5. Tongue Teaser Exercise

This exercise helps to stretch your muscle and relax them by increasing the flow of blood and oxygen. It is also a very simple one which you can perform at any time.

Open your mouth wide and pull out your tongue as much as you can. Now hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat it 30 times. You can do this exercise 3 times a day to lose face fat quickly.

6. Rolling Neck Exercise

It is a very useful and simple exercise to Get Rid of Cheek Fat. Rolling your neck also relaxes when you have a headache.

To perform this exercise first, you need to close your eyes. Then bring your face down and then rotate towards the right shoulder while lifting your chin up.

Then slowly straighten your head while looking ceiling and turn to your left and bring it down to your chin. Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes twice a day for better results.

Other Tips & Diet To Get Rid Of Cheek Fat

If you want to lose fat from the face, first you have to reduce the weight of your body. You cannot get rid of cheek fat without losing overall weight. Along with exercise, a balanced diet is critical to losing total body weight. If you lose your body weight automatically your face fat will also reduce.

  1. Keep Your Body Hydrated – This is the first thing you have to do when you are planning to reduce the fat from your cheeks is to keep your body hydrated. Drinking a lot of water helps to remove toxins and improve your health as well as lower fat from the face. At least drink 64 ounces of water daily.
  2. Regular Exercise – Doing a workout daily helps to reduce all body weight as well as reduce fat from the face. Running, swimming, and going to the gym is the perfect way to reduce overall body weight.
  3. Take Right Diet to Reduce Face Fat – Eating a balanced diet is very important in reducing face fat. You should eat food which is low in carbohydrates and cut your calorie intake. If you want to lose fat, then burn more calories than you consume. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Foods with fibre, fish, and food which contain a high amount of protein also help to reduce fat from the neck and cheeks.
  4. Avoid Junk Food to Lose Weight from Face – Junk food contains a high amount of fat and carbohydrates which increase weight very fast, so if you want to reduce weight you have to stop eating junk food right now.


It is very common these days to have a chubby face and that is mainly because of our eating habits and lazy lifestyle. If you want to get rid of face fat then you have to reduce your overall weight.

You cannot reduce weight only from the cheeks. Sometimes people have a good body but their face has chubby cheeks. The above natural ways and exercise will help you to lose fat face quickly. Please leave your feedback and suggestion in the comment box.

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