Bed Sore Stages And Treatment! (11 Effective Home Remedies)

HomeNatural RemediesBed Sore Stages And Treatment! (11 Effective Home Remedies)

What are some of the bed sore stages and treatments? Bedsores are also known as decubitus Ulcers, Pressure ulcers, or Pressure Sores. They are open wounds that mainly occur on the skin covering bones. The most common places for bedsores are your back, ankle, hips, and buttock. Elderly people, disabled people, and people with an injury like the spinal cord (Paraplegic & Quadriplegic) are highly likely to suffer from this health condition.

Apart from that, people who spend long periods of time in bed or in a wheelchair, and people with fragile skin are also more at risk. A person suffering from bedsores may feel inflammation, pain, or itching.


What Are The Various Bed Sore Stages And Treatments?

Bedsores mainly occur due to constant pressure on the skin. A constant pressure over the skin reduces the blood flow and causes the skin to break down which forms an open sore. This type of sore could be just on the skin or could go deeper into muscle and bone.

For bedsores, medical attention is highly recommended. But with the help of natural remedies, bedsore treatment and prevention are possible at home. Natural remedies help in increasing the healing process.

Bedsore (Pressure Sores) Treatment and Prevention

Where Does Bedsore Occur?

Bedsores mainly develop over bony parts of the body. The common area where bedsore occurs is the elbow, inner knee, back of head and ears, shoulder, lower back, hip and buttock, and heel.

What Are The Four Bed Sore Stages? – Pressure Sores Grading

Bed sores or pressure sores mainly has four stages which depend on their severity. For each four stages, treatment and prevention are also different which includes.

  • Stage 1

This is the beginning stage of bedsores. In this stage, the skin is not broken. The skin colour appears red for people with a lighter complexation. The skin got discoloured for people with dark skin. The infected skin may be painful, warm, cool, firm, soft, and tender.

  • Stage 2

In the second stage of bedsore, the outer layer of skin (epidermis) and an underlying layer of skin (dermis) are damaged or lost. The wound colour may be red, pinkish, or blue. The Sore may look like a fluid-filled blister or a ruptured blister on the skin.

  • Stage 3

At stage 3 of pressure, the sore wound gets deeper and usually exposes some fat due to the loss of skin. The ulcer looks like a crater and yellowish dead tissue may appear at the bottom of the wound. In this stage, the damage may extend beyond the primary wound below layers of healthy skin.  The wound may look like it contains some pus.

  • Stage 4

This is the most severe stage of decubitus Ulcer. In this stage, many layers are affected, including your muscle and bone. A dark substance called “eschar” may be inside the wound. The bottom of the wound contains dead tissue which is yellowish or dark and crusty.

  • Unstageable

A bedsore is unstageable when its surface is covered with yellow, brown, black, green or dead tissue. It’s not possible to see how deep the wound is or If the damage to your tissue layers is extensive.

Causes of Bedsores – How do you get Pressure sore?

  • The most common cause of bedsores is constant pressure on the skin and tissues.
  • Lying or sitting for a long period of time can cause bedsores.
  • Pressure can also happen when you rub or scratch your skin against a hard or rough surface.
  • Wearing undergarments for long periods may create open sores on the skin.

What increases the risk of getting Bedsores?

  1. People with a chronic injuries like paralysis, coma, or surgery are more at risk. Because they cannot move for a long period of time.
  2. Bowel incontinence – Infection due to faecal matter can be dangerous and can lead someone to a severe stage of pressure sores.
  3. Ageing – As you grow older your skin becomes fragile, drier, thinner, and less elastic. Old people produce new skin cells more slowly that’s why they are at more risk.
  4. Smoking – Regular smoking makes your skin dry which can be one of the reasons for bed sores.
  5. A disease like diabetes reduces the speed of the healing process and increases the chances of getting bedsores.
  6. Spinal Cord Injury – If someone is suffering from spinal cord injury that person is more likely to suffer from bedsores. Because Paraplegic and Quadriplegic (SCI) are unable to change their position.
  7. Poor Diet – Lack of fluids, calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals in the daily diet can lead to the breakdown of tissues.

11 Effective Natural Remedies For Bed Sore Treatment

1. Turmeric

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant properties that accelerate the healing process of bed sores.  It is a good natural remedy for bedsore treatment at home.

  • First, clean the infected area properly with saline solution or sterilized water. Cover the wound with turmeric powder. Take a clean bandage and cover the wound overnight.
  • Doing this simple remedy every day will increase the healing process.
  • Make a mixture of honey and turmeric. Apply this mixture twice a day over the wounds.
  • Take a glass of milk and mix one teaspoon of turmeric. Drink one glass of turmeric milk daily.

2. Talcum Powder

The perfect way to get relief is by applying talcum powder on bedsores. You can apply powder on wounds or area which is more at risk like the elbow or knee etc. It stops bed sores to multiply and prevents infection.

3. Goldenseal

It is a natural antiseptic that helps to get rid of bedsores fast. This ayurvedic remedy will reduce the pain and inflammation of bedsores.

  • Take one cup of hot water, add one teaspoon of goldenseal powder and leave it for 5 minutes. Strain this mixture and let it cool down.
  • Wash wounds with this twice a day. it will increase the healing and remove wounds quickly,
  • Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon of goldenseal powder and the oil contained in a few capsules of vitamin E. Apply this mixture on bedsores for fast healing.

4. Vitamin E

This is a very useful remedy for bed sores treatment at home. It can dry wounds and reduce burning sensation and itching in pressure sores.

  • Apply vitamin E oil to the infected areas. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day.
  • Vitamin E oil massage on the body makes the skin smooth and supple.

5. Elm and Comfrey Leaves

Another natural medicine to get rid of Pressure Sores. These herbs help in the regeneration of tissue and cure wounds overnight.

  • Take an equal amount of elm and comfrey leaves. Add some water and make a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the bedsores and cover them with a clean bandage. Leave it overnight to get a better result.

Also Read: How to Cure Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera stops the spreading of bedsores. It keeps the affected area moisturized and ensures a quick recovery. This remedy is very effective to cure bed sores on the buttocks.

  • Clean the wounds with sterilized water. Apply the pulp or gel of aloe vera on the wounds. Do this remedy 2-3 times a day. You can use aloe vera gel powder, cream or ointment for bedsore cure.

7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil keeps your skin healthy because it is a good source of fatty acids. It protects the skin from damage caused by constant pressure. Full body massage with coconut oil increases blood circulation.

  • Take warm coconut oil and gently apply it to your skin and wounds. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day.

8. Papaya Milk

Another natural ingredient that can be used to cure bed sores at home. It gives you relief from pain and inflammation. Extract papaya milk from a papaya tree trunk or from the fruit while it is still green. This remedy also prevents bed sores from getting worst.

  • Take a clean cloth and soak it in papaya milk. Apply it on wounds gently 2-3 times a day.

See: Kidney Stones Pain relief with Natural Remedies

9. Honey

It has natural antiseptic properties which help to heal pressure sores.  It reduces itching, pain and burning sensation in wounds.

  • Take an equal amount of sugar and honey. Mix both wells and make them into a thick paste. Apply this paste to the wounds and cover them with a sterile bandage.
  • Extract the juice of 3 beetroots and mix with two teaspoons of honey. Apply this mixture on bed sores with cotton balls 2-3 times a day. It will have a soothing effect on the bedsores.

10. Petroleum Jelly

One of the oldest ways to treat bedsores. It keeps your body moist and stops spreading infection. Petroleum jelly also makes your skin smooth and healthy.

  • Apply the jelly to a sterile bandage and cover the wound. It will make the tissues around the sore regenerate quickly. Change the bandage once a day.

11. Saline Water

Saline water is commonly known as saltwater that contains dissolved salts. It will help bedsores to heal faster. It helps to get rid of dead cells and stop the infection.

  • Add two teaspoons of salt to a cup of water. Boil the water and then let it cool down. Wash your wounds with this salted water 2-3 times a day.

Read: Skin Allergy Treatment with Ayurveda Remedies

Pressure Ulcer – Bedsores Prevention at Home

Prevention tips for those in a wheelchair

  • For someone who is in a wheelchair, repositioning is very necessary to avoid bedsores. Shift your weight after every 15 minutes.
  • If possible do wheelchair push-ups or lift yourself up.
  • Go for a wheelchair that can tilt and has better cushioning.

When you are in bed

  • Changing a position in bed is very important to prevent bedsores. If you are suffering an injury like the spinal cord, coma or surgery try repositioning after every one hour with the help of others or any device.
  • Protect bony areas with proper positioning and cushioning.
  • Clean the affected area regularly with sterilized water.
  • Try to change bedding and clothing twice a day. If the skin is too dry try the moisturizer.
  • Do not drag yourself to change your position. Dragging causes skin breakdown which leads to bed soreness. Take help from others while changing positions or getting in or out of bed.

Diet for Bed sores / Pressure Sores prevention

  • Hydration of the body is very important for the skin. So keep drinking more water or fruit juice.
  • Take a diet which is full innutritious. Eat foods that contain minerals, protein, iron, zinc etc.

Other tips to Prevent Bedsores at home

  • Mattress and cushions to prevent bedsores – Use a foam mattress pad, an air-filled mattress or a water-filled mattress to help with positioning, relieving pressure, and protecting vulnerable areas.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Do not wear clothes that have thick seams, buttons, or zippers that press on your skin.

Note: Medical attention is highly recommended for bedsores in all stages. As soon as possible talk to your doctor or therapist.

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