How To Make Yourself Puke? – Know The Different Ways

HomeHealth TipsHow To Make Yourself Puke? - Know The Different Ways

Making yourself puke is one of the worst and most challenging experiences. But sometimes, throwing up becomes necessary to feel good. Read further to know about how to make yourself puke.

When you swallow something harmful/toxic, you start feeling nauseous. That’s your body’s sign to eliminate that substance. However, often, you can’t vomit to throw the gobbled item.

Hence, we have got you the perfect way to make yourself throw up naturally without any potential side effects. This way, you can prevent your body from any damage.


How To Make Yourself Puke?

It helps you get rid of extra food or toxins from your body which makes you think of vomit. So for that reason, you should know the methods to make yourself throw up quickly and safely.

Puking can make you feel good after an upset stomach and throw up extra food, making you sick. Throwing up is a natural process of your body, so inducing the vomit should be done carefully. Because sometimes it can cause side effects and make you iller.

When should you make yourself throw up?

  • When you ingest some poison
  • You have eaten something that can cause you food poisoning
  • When you have gross food, it makes your stomach discomfort
  • Too much alcohol

The natural way to make yourself throw up safely

Many people can’t even stand the thought of Vomiting, but sometimes it is necessary to throw up to get rid of gross food, nausea, or other health weakness. Follow the below natural ways to induce Vomiting quickly and safely.

Use your Finger – Induce that throwing up with the finger is the most common method. This method may sound absurd, but it is an effective way to make yourself throw up.

  • Use your clean index and middle finger to make yourself puke
  • Put fingers in your mouth and move your finger along the tongue towards the back of your throat
  • When your figure touches the palatine uvula in the mouth and presses it downwards to induce puking
  • After a few seconds, you will feel like throwing up, and then remove your finger
  • Let your stomach get empty and rinse your mouth after vomiting.

Mustard Solution – Mustard water solution water is another good option to induce Vomiting. Due to the severe smell and taste, the mustard solution makes you feel like throwing up.

  • Take one tablespoon of mustard sauce and mix it with one glass of water
  • Now drink this mixture in one go and wait for 20 minutes to feel like puking
  • This is a beneficial method for a few people but not for all
  • You can try other ways to make yourself throw up

Emetics – Emetics are syrup that helps to make yourself throw up safely and quickly. It is a beneficial method. You can buy this syrup from any medical store. Now mix this syrup with water and drink it in one gulp.

This syrup makes you nauseous by discomfort in the stomach. You can also take the emetics tablet to induce puking.

This is considered a safe method, but it can cause you low blood pressure, heavy breathing, or dizziness.  So it would be perfect if you did not overuse emetics to make yourself throw up.

Drinking Salt Water – Another simple home remedy to Induce Vomiting fast. You need 1-2 tablespoons of salt and one glass of warm water. Saltwater or saline water is also a good remedy for a sore throat.

Mix 2 tablespoons of salt in warm water. Now drink this solution in one gulp, and the taste of saline water will make you feel like throwing up quickly. The saltwater vomit method will take 5- 10 minutes to make you throw up.

Watch Others – Many people get nauseous to see other people puking, and then they have the same urge to vomit. You may get triggered by the sound, smell, the sight of others vomiting. This is a very efficient and harmless way to Make Yourself Puke.

You can use the internet to watch videos of others vomiting. Make sure you are in the bathroom while doing this method. Just concentrate on the gross part of the video until you puke.

Toothbrush Method – Many people don’t get triggered by a finger or think it is too gross, so they can use a toothbrush to induce Vomiting. This method is almost similar to the finger method. You have to replace a finger with a toothbrush.

Take a clean toothbrush and put it in your mouth. Now move the toothbrush along with your tongue to trigger the gag reflex. You will feel nausea and an urge to puke, then remove the toothbrush and vomit in the bathroom. While doing this method, make sure you are in the toilet and rinse your mouth after puking.

Gargle with Egg White – The egg has a different smell that can help you make yourself puke. The smell and taste of egg white trigger the gag reflex and induce puking.

To do this method, you need two eggs and a bowl. Break the eggs and take out the white part only. Now gargle with the white part until you trigger the gag reflex. You can gargle 2-3 times to make yourself puke.

Inhale Horrible Smell & Expose Yourself to Gross Sight – This method works for many people who get nauseous and quickly smell and sight. You can do this method if you get nauseous by the smell of rotten food, fruits or lousy odor, etc.

Inhale bad smells and view bad sights until you make yourself puke.

Bloodroot Herb – Many Indian America uses this herb to induce vomit. You can prepare an herbal tea from the root to make yourself puke.

Take one cup of water and add one tablespoon of bloodroot powder. Now boil it for 5-10 minutes and strain the mixture. Drink this tea while it is hot to induce Vomiting.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy to induce vomit at home. It has a strong odor that can make you puke.

Alternatively, you can consume 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to induce Vomiting. Due to a strong odor and sour taste, it will lead you to puke very fast.

What To Do After Vomiting?

It would help if you were careful while making yourself puke. It can also harm your upper digestive tract. So while vomiting and after puking, you have to take care of a few things mentioned below.

  • Drink plenty of water or juice – Your body may get dehydrated because of Vomiting, so drink lots of fluid to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Clean your mouth after vomiting – When you vomit, you throw acid to destroy your teeth. So, clean your mouth with regular water to prevent your teeth from acid.
  • You can eat a banana for instant energy – After vomiting, you may feel weak and lazy, so eat a banana to regain strength.
  • Brush your teeth after 30 minutes of puking
  • Avoid junk food or food that is hard to digest

Making Yourself Puke/Vomit – Prevention Tips

  • Avoid salt – the water method if you have some poison or toxins in your stomach.
  • Do not use emetics ipecac if you are allergic to something present in it
  • A pregnant and breastfeeding woman should not use emetics.
  • Consult your doctor first to make yourself puke
  • Visit your doctor if you have a severe headache while vomiting

Closing Thoughts

Many people try to lose weight by making them puke, but indeed it is a bad idea that can harm your health and digestive system. Many studies show that throwing up to lose weight works the opposite, and you start to gain weight. It is a total misconception of many who need awareness.

It would help if you never induced vomit frequently because it can cause serious health issues. Frequent vomiting can become a habit, and you may feel to throw up without any reason. If you want to lose weight, you can try other natural methods for face weight loss.

You may have something gross or feel nauseous and think that puking can make you feel better. In that case, you can try the above natural method to induce Vomiting. If you cannot make yourself throw up, then consult with your doctor.

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