Home Natural Remedies How to Cure Migraine Naturally At Home? (6 Effective Home Remedies)

How to Cure Migraine Naturally At Home? (6 Effective Home Remedies)

how to cure migraine

How to cure migraine naturally? In a very fast-moving lifestyle where you don’t have time to sleep, eat, and rest properly that may lead you to Migraine problems. It is a very common chronic head pain after back pain. In a migraine, you will feel pain on one side of the head.

This half-side head pain will make you very sensitive towards light, and sound, and feel like vomiting. You can easily cure a migraine at home without painkillers by doing some changes in your lifestyle. Natural and ayurvedic remedies have proven a very effective treatment for Migraine Instant relief at home.

24 million Americans are suffering from a migraine. Migraine pain attacks can last for hours or for days and in some cases, it could last for months. It is a serious health issue one should not overlook or take as a normal headache.

Normally people have a tendency to take some painkiller for Instant relief whenever they have a headache, we must advise you not to do that. Here we will provide you with some tips for instant relief and to get rid of a migraine.

Migraine Instant relief by Natural Remedies Yoga & Ayurveda


What Are The Types Of Migraine?

There are many types of migraine according to The International Classification of Headache Disorders. Two very common types of migraine are:

  1. Migraine with aura – Known as classic or a complicated migraine. This type of migraine comes with an indication prior to a headache. You will start feeling visual disturbance and other neurological problems before 20 – 60 minutes of head pain.
  2. Migraine without aura – A very common type of migraine. In this type of migraine, you will feel a severe headache on one side of your head. It could last for 4- 72 hours.

Symptoms of Migraine Headache

A migraine is a complex health problem with a large no. of symptoms. Symptoms can vary from person to person and from one attack to the next migraine attack. There are four stages prodrome, aura, headache, and postdrome. It’s not necessary that you will go through all the stages.

First Stage – Migraine Prodrome Symptoms

1 or 2 days before a migraine attack you may start feeling:-

Second Stage – Migraine Aura Symptoms

It occurs to a very less number of people before or during a migraine.  Its symptoms of the nervous system make you very sensitive towards the light. “You may see a little jagged line that will develop some cross hatches, and it might sort of move in a curved direction,” Dr Calhoun says.

Sometimes aura could be verbal (Audio) or movement disturbance, or touching sensation. You could feel an aura migraine without a headache.  It could last for 20 – 60 mins.

  • Visual phenomena, such as flickering lights, spots, or lines.
  • Vision loss
  • Pinching and needless sensation in arms and legs
  • Numbness in one side of the body
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Uncontrollable body movement
  • Hearing music and noise
  • Limb weakness could happen because of Aura migraine.

Third Stage – Migraine Attack (Headache) Symptoms

Migraine attacks could last for 72 hours. The frequency of head pain varies from person to person.

  • Pain on one side of your head
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Pulsating pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light, sounds, and sometimes smells and touch

Fourth Stage – Migraine Post-drome Symptoms

It is the final stage of migraine which occurs after migraine pain. It could last for a day.

  • Drained
  • Confused and lazy
  • Moody
  • Weakness
  • Sensitivity to light and sound

What Are The Main Causes of Migraine Headaches?

  1. Lack of restful sleep
  2. Genetics and environmental factors could be some of the reasons for migraines.
  3. Working at night
  4. Brain chemicals imbalance
  5. Hormonal change in a woman mainly happens just before the period. It could happen during pregnancy or menopause.
  6. Food can be one of the reasons for the migraine problem. Skipping meals or fasting may lead to a migraine attack.
  7. Stress
  8. Depression
  9. Bright light, sun glare, the loud sound can trigger a headache. The strong smell can also be the reason for migraine attacks.
  10. Sexual activity may cause migraines.
  11. Oral contraceptives and vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin, can trigger migraines.

See: Earache Natural Remedies for Pain Cure

How To Cure Migraine? (6 Natural Remedies For Instant Relief From Migraine)

Researchers are yet to find the exact reason behind migraine attacks, they can only understand the psychological change after the attack. When an attack happens people usually take painkillers. We suggest you not take a painkiller because they have many side effects.

You can cure migraine at home with natural and ayurvedic remedies. We suggest you take natural herbs for migraine treatment to avoid side effects from the painkiller.  Some effective natural remedies to cure migraine are below:-

1. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil could be a very useful natural remedy to provide Migraine Instant relief in an attack.  Ways to use lavender oil to get rid of Migraine pain-

  • Inhale – Not lavender has a great fragrance but also inhaling Lavender oil could provide relief from a headache. You can inhale by putting a few drops of lavender oil on a handkerchief or tissue paper to get relief from head pain.
  • Add 3 drops of oil in 3 cups of boiling water to inhale the steam
  • Massage – Mix 3 drops in 1 tablespoon of almond oil or olive oil and massage your forehead.
  • Footbath – You can have a foot bath of lavender oil and peppermint since the hot water draws blood to your feet and the aroma relaxes you.

Note – one should not drink lavender oil.

2. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a natural herb that can be used to cure Head pain. It has vaso-constricting and vasodilating properties which are very useful to control blood flow in the body.

Ways to use peppermint oil to cure migraine

  • Inhaling – Inhaling peppermint oil can provide relief from migraine pain at home.
  • Massage – You can massage the back of your neck mixing 3 drops of peppermint oil in one tablespoon of almond oil to cure migraine.
  • Tea – You can make an herbal tea by adding one tablespoon of dried peppermint to a cup of boiling water. Add honey for taste and sweeten the tea.

3. Basil Oil

Basil oil is another home remedy to cure migraine pain. This strongly-smelled herb is mostly used for pizza and pasta. It also smells good in taste. It works as a muscle relaxant and helps to cure head pain caused by stress and tight muscle.

Ways to take basil Oil as homemade remedies for Migraine Instant relief

  1. Basil Leaf Tea – Add 3-4 fresh basil leaves in a cup of boiling water, and let simmer for some time. You can use honey for sweetening Drink tea slowly sips by sip.
  2. Chewing – Chewing fresh basil leaves also helps cure migraine.
  3. Inhaling – Take a bowl of boiling water, add 4-5 drops of basil oil and inhale the steam.

4. Cloves

Cloves are a very recognized home remedy that is very useful for many health problems. It has cooling and pain-relieving properties that can be a good home remedy for Migraine Instant relief.

Ways to use clove for migraine treatment at home –

  • Crushed Clove – Take a few cloves, crushed them gently and put them into a clean handkerchief. Inhale the crushed clove during the head pain until you get relief.
  • Massage with clove oil – Mix 2 drops of clove oil with coconut oil with sea salt and massage on your forehead.

5. Ice

Ice can be used to get relief from migraine pain. It reduces inflammable that can cause you a headache. You can keep a wet towel dipped in ice water to get relief from head pain.

6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a very useful home remedy to cure head pain.

Ways to use cinnamon to get rid of head pain:

  • Cinnamon Paste – Take the cinnamon stick grind them to powder, add some water to make a paste. Apply it on your forehead and keep it for 30 minutes, and wash it with warm water.

Ayurvedic & Baba Ramdev Treatment for Migraine

In Ayurveda migraine is known as ‘Sooryavarta’. Soorya means ‘Sun’ and avatar means ‘affliction’ or ‘blockage. According to Ayurveda the headache gets worsened at sunrise, peaks at noon, and reduces after evening.

Ayurvedic home remedies for migraine cure

  • Shirolepa – Application of herbal pastes that pacify Pitta Dosha like Sandalwood, camphor, and Jatamansi.
  • Shiro Dhara – Pouring of a thin stream of liquid on the scalp.

Ayurvedic medications to cure migraine:

  • SUVARNA SUTASHEKHARA RAS – This is the most commonly prescribed Ayurvedic medicine for treating migraine. It helps you to prevent and cure migraine attacks.  Take one dose of 125 milligrams twice daily. The medication is to be taken with milk.
  • GODANTI BHASMA – Take one gram thrice daily with honey.

Baba Ramdev (Patanjali) medicine for Migraine:

  • Divya moti pishti
  • Godanti bhasma
  • Divya pravala pisti

Baba Ramdev Yoga for Migraine Headache Cure

Yoga is one of the most effective ways to cure and prevent migraine pain at home. Below are a few yogasan you can perform at home. For instruction use a youtube video of Baba Ramdev performing yoga to cure migraine.

  1. Forward Virasana
  2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog)
  3. Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Angle Standing Forward Bend)
  4. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
  5. Janusirsasana (Head to Knee Pose)
  6. Pascimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

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