Why do I get acne? This is the most searched query on the internet by the young audience. Don’t worry. We’ll solve your problem in this article by answering this question.
Breakouts and acne are possibly the worst things that could happen to adults. With acne becoming a common household concern, this skin disorder affects millions of people across the globe daily. One of the primary reasons for acne breakouts is an excess accumulation of oil or sebum in the skin. While acne is mostly visible on the face, it can occur anywhere on the body. Pimples, acne, and rashes can break out on the upper arms, shoulders, back, and thighs. Adult acne is a significant cause of concern across the world, and many people suffer from it daily.
Why do I get acne?
Small pores on the surface of the skin get blocked or clogged due to a buildup of sebum, and dead skin cells. Harmful bacteria residing on the skin further worsen the condition of the blocked pores and cause an infection that leads to reddening, itching, scratching, and breakouts. Every individual pore on the skin is present on a skin follicle that lies beneath the epidermis of the skin. This follicle produces oils that are useful in keeping the skin moisturized and hydrated the whole day. The dirt, dust, and bacteria accumulate on the skin follicle to produce angry reddening and acne.
One of the most common causes of acne could also be hormonal changes, skin lubrication, pollution, and the use of a lousy facewash. Many times, the products we use on our skin are the actual cause of the decrease in skin health. It is crucial to take care of and select products that are suitable for us to maintain healthy skin.
The 3 Most Common Causes Of Acne
1. Hormones
Acne vulgaris or common acne in adults is generally brought about by hormonal changes that occur in the human body on a daily basis. In teenagers, hormones start wreaking havoc in their systems at puberty since they are at critical junctures in their growth and development stage. As the androgen levels in the body rise, the follicles in the human body give rise to an excessive production of skin lubricants, otherwise known as, oils or sebum.
When the pores on the skin get suffocated with an extra buildup of oil (due to hormonal changes), the walls on the skin cells rupture and become multiplying grounds for bacteria present on the surface. Sebum tries to push out of the pore and gets affixed to the dead skin cells, and harmful bacteria. This process results in a blockage of the skin and follicles. It is this blockage that develops into acne and pimples in teenagers and adults.
2. Incorrect body care products
Most people enjoy trying out new skin care products available in the market. With the trends in advertising and publicity, almost all skincare products are made to look extraordinarily glamorous and useful. However, this is not necessarily a good thing for the skin. While shampoos and conditioners control the oils and frizz of the hair, there is nothing to control how the skin reacts to specific products. Many adults do not take care to read the instruction on body care products.
Acne facial washes are the most important things to consider when being used on the skin. Many times, acne is a result of overuse of facewash or the use of a lousy facewash. An incorrect facewash does not always mean the product is faulty, but that it may not be suitable for your skin type.
When selecting a facewash, take care to buy a product of good make and quality, that suits your skin (oily, dry, combination, sensitive), and check its expiry date. Testing the products before you buy them can significantly reduce the chances of inflammation and acne breakout on the skin. Other things like outdoor tanning lotion or tanning lotion can block your pores causing sebum build-up which leads to breakouts.

3. Diet
Diet and foods play a critical role in controlling the texture, feel, and health of your skin. It is a widely known fact that some foods enhance the skin while some decrease health. People who consume large amounts of starchy and sugary food tend to have more breakouts and acne than others. People who eat healthy foods like watermelon, green leafy vegetables, and carrots, and eat fibrous foods tend to have better skin health and glowing health. This inner glow comes due to the diet that is being followed.
To have great skin without acne and pimples, avoid eating foods that are oily in nature. Fast foods, junk foods, pop sugar sodas, greasy foods like French fries and potato wedges, chocolates, and excessive dairy foods will worsen the condition of the skin, increase the oil production on the pores, and result in a breakout of acne and pimples.
While milk is an excellent source of calcium, minerals, and vitamins, excessive milk consumption can deteriorate the health of the skin. Other things like lack of exercise can cause pores to stay closed and not be able to breathe, try investing in some home gym kit like a treadmill, rowing machine or a sit-up bench.
Closing Thoughts
Now that we know the major acne-causing culprits it is important for us to work on them to get acne-free skin. People who have severe acne issues should start drinking plenty of water as this really detoxifies all your harmful agents and normalizes all your hormonal levels.
Don’t expose your opened skin pores to the polluted atmosphere as the dirt would easily accumulate in the pores and cause acne. Always use a primer before any type of makeup for it keeps all your skin pores intact and prevents the makeup particles to enter your facial skin. These are only some measures for people with regular types of acne.
For those who have severe acne issues do visit the dermatologist as your skin might be subjected to some bacterial infection. In general, eating good and nutritious food keeps acne at bay.