How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last If Untreated? (9 Prevention Tips)

HomeHealth TipsHow Long Do Hemorrhoids Last If Untreated? (9 Prevention Tips)

How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last? Haemorrhoids are also known as piles and it is a very common problem in the United States. 50% of Americans suffer from piles by the age of 50. This is a very painful health issue and many people found it embarrassing.

Most of the time this problem doesn’t last for long so people don’t pay much attention to it. There are mainly two types of haemorrhoids which we will discuss further in this article, so continue reading this article for a better understanding.


What are Hemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids or piles occur when veins that carry blood from the anus and rectum got affected due to excessive pressure. The veins got swollen and inflamed due to excessive pressure.

Haemorrhoids can cause itching, bleeding, inflammation, and swollen blood vessels in the rectum. It is very discomforting and sometimes a very painful problem. The pain will increase when you pass the stool through the rectum.

What Are The Types of Hemorrhoids?

There are two types of haemorrhoids which include:-

  • External Hemorrhoids – The most painful haemorrhoids that occur on your anus which is known as external haemorrhoids. This type of pile can make your bowel movement very painful. This type of Piles occurs on the anus due to swollen blood vessels. It will cause a high amount of pain and inflammation during and just after the bowel movement.
  • Internal Hemorrhoids – Internal haemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and cannot be seen or felt from the outside. The main symptoms are bleeding and inflammation during the bowel movement. This type of Pile heals its own in most cases but if they don’t go for more than a week then consult with a doctor or use our natural remedies to get rid of haemorrhoids.

Causes Of Haemorrhoids

It can occur because of many reasons but the main cause behind piles is our eating habits. If we make a few changes in our eating habits we can decrease the chance of having haemorrhoids to a large extent.

  • Bad Diet
  • Eating too much spicy food
  • Constipation
  • Pregnancy is one of the major causes of piles in women.
  • Sitting for a long time.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Obesity
  • You may be surprised but coughing and sneezing lead to haemorrhoids.
  • Genetics

Symptoms Of Haemorrhoids

  • Itching around the anal area.
  • Bleeding during or just after a bowel movement.
  • Inflammation during and after the bowel movement.
  • Lumps on anus area.
  • Swollen blood vessels in the rectum.
  • Pain during and after a bowel movement.
How Long Do Hemorrhoids piles Last If Untreated

How Long Does It Take For Piles to Go Away? (How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last)

Haemorrhoids are a very common health issue ad many people want to know how long haemorrhoids take to heal. The answer to this question basically depends on the severity of haemorrhoids.

Some piles take 2-3 days to heal while serious haemorrhoids can take weeks or months to get heal. If you feel haemorrhoids symptom staying more than 1 week then you can use natural home remedies or consult with your family doctor or other physicians.

How Long Do External Hemorrhoids Last?

Less severe external haemorrhoids can last for 1-3 days and get heal on their own. For acute haemorrhoids changing your diet and lifestyle is enough to cure but if they persist then use the natural home remedy. If you have symptoms for more than a week then consult with a doctor and get proper treatment.

A serious external haemorrhoid can last for 3-4 weeks. The perfect way to cure external piles is to improve your eating habits and changing lifestyle.

How Long Do Internal Hemorrhoids Last?

Internal haemorrhoids are more serious and last longer than external ones. They can last for months and becomes worst if untreated. They occur inside the rectum and can’t be seen outside. So if internal haemorrhoid symptoms last more than a week then consult with your doctor and use the natural home remedy to get a speedy recovery.

Do haemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

Yes, piles can go away on their own. Haemorrhoids occur due to excessive pressure on blood vessels inside the rectum and anal area. External haemorrhoids have more chance to heal on their own as compared to internal. If you see piles symptoms then change your diet and lifestyle a bit and they can go away on their own.

9 Prevention Tips for Piles

The major cause of haemorrhoids is our lifestyle and eating habits. Sitting for a long time on a daily basis can increase your chances of having haemorrhoids.

Eating habits are also a major reason behind haemorrhoids so improve your eating habits by consuming a more fibre diet.  Other tips for pile cure and prevention include.

  1. Keep your body hydrated. It will ease your bowel moment and reduce the chances of having Piles.
  2. Increase the intake of fibre foods. You can also add Isabgol (Psyllium husk) if you see any symptoms, Add whole wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, broccoli, carrots, etc. to your diet.
  3. Do not hold your bowel movement. Give priority to your bowel and go for it whenever you have the urge to defecate.
  4. Do not eat spicy food if you have a sitting job or you work hard in the gym. It will put you at risk of having haemorrhoids.
  5. A hot sitz bath can give you relief in pain.
  6. Avoid constipation.
  7. Lose extra pounds.
  8. Do not sit for long hours.
  9. Avoid lifting too much weight.

When to See a Doctor If Piles Untreated?

As mentioned above haemorrhoids can last for months if left untreated. Around 50 to 75% of people suffer from this problem. The number of piles patients is alarming but it is not a serious health issue. So it can be cured by changing your diet and lifestyle. If this problem persists for more than a week then visit a doctor and get proper treatment.

Haemorrhoids are a very common and recurring health problem. But not a serious health issue and it can be treated at home most of the time. Mainly piles go away on their own and sometimes with home remedies but if they persist after that then visit a doctor.

Haemorrhoids can last from one day to more than 2 months if not treated on time. To avoid these health issues improve your eating habits and lifestyle. Leave your questions and feedback in the comment section below.

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